FISH-FIT was created within the framework of SEATRACES, an European Interreg Atlantic Area project: "Smart Traceability and Labeling ToolBox for a Sustainable Seafood Production" to support EU control laboratories and institutions in seafood authenticity testing.
Traceability and labelling of fishery products are important prerequisites to combat illegal fishing, consumer deception and food fraud, which represent a serious risk to the economic development of the marine sector in the North Atlantic region. To uncover mislabelling and seafood fraud, mainly DNA-methods are used by control institutions for reliable species identification.
FISH-FIT was established for European control laboratories to facilitate their work in seafood identification.
Please note that currently only public European control institutions can register and access to FISH-FIT. Further opening to other institutions and laboratories may be considered after an initial phase of establishment.
To gain access to FISH-FIT, users need to fill in a registration form and wait for access permission. After successful registration, the content will be visible and authentic material can be requested.
2025 © FISH-FIT / Max Rubner-Institut
FISH-FIT is funded by Interreg Atlantic Area within the Seatraces project.
The authentic material and DNA sequences are provided jointly by Seatraces partners from France, Spain, UK, Portugal and Germany: MNHN Marine Station Concarneau ▶ Le Mans Université ▶ AZTI | Ciencia y tecnología marina y alimentaria ▶ Instituto de Investigacións Mariñas ▶ Liverpool John Moores University ▶ IPMA Portuguese Institute for Sea and Atmosphere ▶ Max Rubner-Institut